Lancaster: Shaw Street, Canal, Aquaduct, Green Ayre
This is a circular walk I did one cold, but bright January morning in Lancaster, following first the canal northwards, then the route of the North Western Railway back south, beside the river. Shaw Street is a small road of terraced housing that happens to give access to the canal, and a footbridge, which I assume has replaced an older stone bridge. This is the view looking towards Lancaster; the canal heads to Preston in this direction, but I went the other way, towards Kendal. This is looking towards Dolphin Lea Bridge. Another view, looking back: The canal crosses the A589 on an aqueduct: I then took a path down to the river, while the canal went over the Lune Aqueduct, undoubtedly the most impressive feature of the canal. This took me down to the course of a railway that ran from Yorkshire to Morecambe, originally owned by the North Western Railway - as opposed to the much bigger London North Western Railway. The railway was built in 1849, and passed under the first arch of the aqu...